- Certificate in International Communications Regulation and Policy (on DC campus)
June 2015: Washington College of Law at American University, Washington DC.
- Certificate in Law and Government (on DC campus)
June 2015: Washington College of Law at American University, Washington DC.
- U.S. Law (Certificate)
2014: University of California – Berkeley School of Law, Berkeley, USA.
- LL.M (London, UK) (on London campus)
September 2009–August 2010: LL.M. in Computer and Communications Law, Center for Commercial Law Studies (CCLS), Queen Mary University of London Law School;
3 Modules (all three modules covered the UK, European, US and International Legal System):
Telecommunications Law (including Data Privacy Law)
IP Transactions: valuation of IP, IP licensing, franchising.
E-Commerce Law (including Data Privacy Law)
“The Relationship between Standards, Intellectual Property Exploitation and Intellectual Property Management in the ICT Industry” (Mark: Distinction)
- Certificate IP Valuation and IP Management (Hasselt, Belgium)
September 2008-2009: organized by the Agency for Innovation by Science and Technology Flanders (www.iwt.be):
evening courses covering intellectual property valuation and intellectual property management.
- LL.M. in Intellectual Property Law (Brussels, Belgium) (education in French and Dutch) (Mark: Distinction)
September 2006-2008: cum laude, Catholic University of Brussels/Catholic University of Leuven School of Law.
Thesis: “De aanvullende juridische beschermingsgronden voor rassen, teeltmateriaal, geoorgst materiaal, eindproducten en verwante voorwerpen” (ENGLISH: The additional (IP) legal protection grounds for plants and breeding materials)
- Summer University (Munich, Germany)
Summer 2008: Cyber Security and Software Licensing courses, organized by the Max Planck Institute Munich and the George Washington University School of Law.
- Law School (Brussels, Belgium)
2002-2006: Licentiate in Law (Master in Law), Free University of Brussels/ University of Copenhagen School of Law (Erasmus for one semester 2005-2006)
1998-2002: Candidate in Law (Bachelor in Law), Catholic University of Leuven
- High School
1992-1998: Sint Jozef College Turnhout Belgium (Jezuits): Latin-Sciences / boarding school
- Data Protection Institute (http://www.dp-institute.eu )(Mechelen, Belgium)
Qualified Data Protection Officer (Qualified DPO) / February 2018
- Washington College of Law at American University (Washington DC, USA)
Certificate in International Communications Regulation and Policy + Certificate in Law and Government (on DC campus) / June 2015
- Berkeley School of Law, University of California (Berkeley, USA)
U.S. Law (Certificate) / 2014
- Queen Mary University of London Law School, Center for Commercial Law Studies(London, UK)
LL.M. in Computer and Communications Law,
September 2009–August 2010
3 Modules (all three modules covered the UK, European, US and International Legal System):
- Telecommunications Law (including Data Privacy Law)
- IP Transactions: valuation of IP, IP licensing, franchising.
- E-Commerce Law (including Data Privacy Law)
“The Relationship between Standards, Intellectual Property Exploitation and Intellectual Property Management in the ICT Industry” (Mark: Distinction)
- Agency for Innovation by Science and Technology Flanders (iwt.be) (Hasselt, Belgium)
Certificate IP Valuation and IP Management
September 2008-2009
Evening courses covering intellectual property valuation and intellectual property management.
- Catholic University of Leuven School of Law (Brussels, Belgium)
LL.M. in Intellectual Property Law
September 2006-2008
Education in French and Dutch
Mark: Distinction
Thesis: “De aanvullende juridische beschermingsgronden voor rassen, teeltmateriaal, geoorgst materiaal, eindproducten en verwante voorwerpen” (ENGLISH: The additional (IP) legalprotectiongroundsforplantsandbreedingmaterials)
- George Washington University School of Law (Munich, Germany)
Summer University
Cyber Security and Software Licensing courses, organized by the Max Planck Institute Munich and the George Washington University School of Law.
- Free University of Brussels (Brussels, Belgium)
2002-2006: Licentiate in Law (Master in Law), Free University of Brussels/ University of Copenhagen School of Law (Erasmus for one semester 2005-2006)
1998-2002: Candidate in Law (Bachelor in Law), Catholic University of Leuven
- High School
1992-1998: Sint Jozef College Turnhout Belgium (Jezuits): Latin-Sciences
Linguistic Skills
- Dutch: mother tongue
- English: excellent speaking and writing skills (work experience and LL.M.)
- French: excellent speaking and good writing skills (work experience, and bilingual Master in IP)
- German: good speaking skills and advanced writing skills (intensive Germanlanguagecourse at Goethe Institüt London while studying LL.M. (advanced level C1))